Christian Resources

Below are a list of resources that we have personally found helpful in our daily Christian walk.
They are organized by media type for easy viewing. Enjoy!


Chapel Library

An excellent organization that distributes Christ-centered books, booklets, audio, and courses, for free. When you sign up for a free account, you’ll receive $20 worth of “literature credits” that you can use every month. They even cover shipping! We highly recommend checking them out!


Know Your Enemy

An awesome video series that explains how all false religions can be traced back to just three people in the Bible, and ultimately, Satan. It also explores topics like the New World Order from a Christian perspective. Several videos have been removed by YouTube over the years so if you would like to support them and get a complete digital download of the series, visit

Expedition Bible

A YouTube channel that seeks to prove the Bible as actual history and fact based on archeology. Expedition Bible will show you ancient Biblical sites, and give you context, evidence, and experience to understand Scripture more profoundly and prove the authority of the Word of God.

Christian Video Vault

An excellent YouTube channel that hosts various documentaries and videos pertaining to issues and topics that matter to Christians. Many of these videos expose the hidden (and sometimes not so hidden) Satanic agenda behind many industries and organizations in popular culture.

Quotes by Author

Martyn Lloyd-Jones

31 of our favorite quotes by Martyn Lloyd-Jones.

Richard Baxter

29 of our favorite quotes by Richard Baxter.